26 January, 2007

A Crusade That Burns...

Well, it's been just over a week now since The Burning Crusade was released, and i'm slowly making my way through it. I have to admit, it's great fun and i'm really enjoying it.

The weather here seems to have taken a turn for the better. It has been raining pretty much constantly for the past few weeks, but yesterday and (so far) today have been sunny, if cold.

I've also gotten back into snooker recently, having just bought a £130+ cue off eBay for only £50. I'm still not used to the cue, and i'm not doing too well since up until a few weeks ago I hadn't played snooker for nearly seven years, but i'm sure i'll get the hang of it again pretty quickly.

Right, I guess i'd best get down to the post office. This is the first time in a while i've had concurrent days off, and I really need to get Daniels copy of TBC sent off, along with his graphics card and mouse. I've got a sneaking suspicion it's gonna cost me a bucket load of cash to get this hefty lot to Perth...


Typical. I go and queue for ages in the post office, get it weighed up, fill out the forms, and then they tell me they won't have any of the barcode stickers that are needed until tomorrow. Lucikly, they offered to hold the package in their safe so I can come back tomorrow and get it sent. Oh, and £57.30! £57.30!!! To send a box! Christ...

10 January, 2007

Calderdale Council FTW!

Just got back and opened my mail (which i'd conveniently forgotten about till now) and there was a council tax bill inside for my old home in Brighouse. The bill amounts to... -£140.51? Yay, extra monies!

Now, off to watch more Boukenger!

Damn the French!

Well, i'm back, after finally managing to build a new computer from my old computer and Daniel's... although it took a bit of work thanks to his useless motherboard LAN not working, and then being unable to find a new card until he remembered he'd swapped it into another machine. Grrr... Anyway, extra shiny computer FTW!

I'm currently suffering from some kind of chest infection, which is really annoying, especially as I can't get any antibiotics at the moment as i'm not registered with a doctor here yet. I'll just have to drink lots of water and take some paracetamol and hope I can stop it from getting any worse until my immune system kicks in.

Right, i'm bloody hungry now, so... off to find some food!

08 January, 2007


Since my MSN display now shows a link to here rather than my Wii Code, I suppose it might be a good idea to pop the code up on here. I've added three people I know to my Wii Address Book, but none of them have added me yet *feels unloved*.

Anyway, the code is:
8024 - 1244 - 7234 - 8508

Right, back to work! Bye!

Greetings To You

Well then, hello and welcome to this lovely blogging system thing, which handily uses a google account so I didn't even have to create my own! Everyone seems to be jumping on the "Ooh! Let's make a blog!" bandwagon, so it's high-time I did so as well.

So, as you can no doubt guess by the title, I now live in a West Yorkshire town by the name of Halifax. As you can guess by it being in the north of the UK and the middle of winter, it's friggin' cold and pissing it down outside, adding to the already dreary atmosphere this town has anyway.

I still haven't quite settled in here yet (i've barely had a chance to unpack stuff properly), so no doubt i'll be updating pretty regularly... not least when The Burning Crusade comes into stock at my work and i've got it in my hands (i'm hoping it'll be on Friday!).

Okay, i'm now going to go and caniballise Daniel's computer to make a super ultra one (i.e. one that's better than mine). See you all later!